Wednesday, June 26, 2013

God's Timing

I haven't been on here in forever!! I have been crazy busy with the beach, volleyball, and school.

I have just witnessed God's incredible timing lately. I won't go into major details but I am just in awe really. I get into a little rough patch and then God opens up a new door. He has so much in store for us it is crazy. I once heard "When God doesn't open a door for you praise him in the hallway." That quote is so true! We might feel like God isn't opening doors for us but we just have to wait and trust Him.
Psalms 27:14 - Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

On a little side not I am going to be speaking at my youth group this Sunday and I am excited and scared. Please pray for me. I could use it.
I know this was a short post but I felt like I needed to post something on here.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Be Thankful

Today I woke up and just laid in my bed. I got up and went on the computer. I fb messaged on of my friends and she gave me some great advice. You see in my life I always to look at the future and imagine what it is going to be like. I mean nothing is wrong with looking at the future but you see I never seem to appreciate where I am in life now.

I am going to be doing school through the summer which kind of stinks. I started thinking more about what my friend told me though. She told me to be content. How can I be content with this situation?  It quickly came to mind though that some people don't get to learn. I get the privilege to learn and on top of that my parents support me in my education. I might not like not having a summer break but I must make the best of every situation.

God gives us things to be thankful for. Do we overlook the small things? I challenge you like I am challenging myself to find something everyday to be thankful about. You could even start a journal about things you are thankful for. Everyday you could write about one thing that made you smile and that you are thankful for.

Smile because when you have Jesus you have the most precious gift ever given to man.